At, we make keeping your account information up-to-date straightforward and secure. The following instructions guide you on through changing various details on your account, from direct debit and bank details to authorised contacts and personal records.
By keeping your information current, you help us improve your customer experience and provide you with the most suitable service. No matter what your changes are, please notify us so we can keep your service running smoothly.
Update your Direct Debit Mandate (Bank Details)
If you need to change your direct debit details:
- Log in to your my.plan account
- Open the Settings burger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the platform window or if you're on a mobile, click More in the main navigation
- Select My Account > Billing & Payments > Manage Direct Debit to open the form to provide your new details.
- Once you’ve made the necessary changes, click Submit.
Change the Authorised Contacts on Your Account
To add, remove or amend the Authorised Contacts on your account, reach out to us. You can do so via email at Please note that only an existing Authorised Contact is able to make these changes.
Amend Personal Record Details
To adjust the personal details of a given user, including your own personal details, follow these steps:
- Log in to your my.plan.
- Open the Settings burger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the platform window or if you're on a mobile, click More in the main navigation
- Select User Management from the dropdown menu.
- In the User Management pop-up, click Edit in the row corresponding to the user whose personal details you would like to modify.
- You are shown the user's personal details in the User Account Management screen, configure them as required and click Save to confirm the changes.
Change Your Billing Email Address
To change your billing email address, please ensure that you are the Primary User of the given account, and follow this procedure:
- Log in to your my.plan.
- Open the Settings burger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the platform window or if you're on a mobile, click More in the main navigation
- Select My Account and then Company Contacts from the dropdown menu.
- Select the user or contact from the dropdown list next to Billing & Payments
- To create a new user/contact, or edit an existing user/contact, click Manage Contacts in the top-right of the Company Contacts window.
Rename Your Business on Your Account
If your business name has changed you can update the Trading Name field of your business in your my.plan account:
- Login to your my.plan.
- Open the Settings burger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the platform window or if you're on a mobile, click More in the main navigation
- Follow the path My Account > Company Information.
- On the Company Information window, update the Trading Name field as needed and click Save.
Change Business Details
If you'd like to update your business details, follow this procedure:
- Login to your my.plan.
- Open the Settings burger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the platform window or if you're on a mobile, click More in the main navigation
- Follow the path My Account > Company Information.
- On the Company Information window, update the existing business details as needed and click Save. Please note, if you are updating your business billing address, you will need to click Request next to the field itself rather than directly updating it because we will need to confirm the changes via supporting documentation for them to take effect.